…: Aven :… newborn photographers, portland OR

ahhhhh Less than 2 years ago, I flew to Little Rock, Arkansas to photograph this beautiful baby girl’s older brother, Cooper… He did not sleep his entire session.  The entire day, for that matter. It got to the point where it was just comical, ha! I went into Aven’s newborn session wondering if perhaps it […]

…: just a peach :… Portland Oregon pregnancy photography

I almost feel guilty posting these photos.  The  good natured chemistry between these two was crazy… not the “can’t keep my hands off you” icky smitten kind of way, but the good kind.  The kind that runs deep.  A monkey could have photographed them and it would still look adorable. Bethany and Ted are childhood […]

….: be good to them :…. Portland Oregon newborn photography

I know that I don’t blog like I used to, and that’s a bit sad 🙁 But, I’m just too busy photographing everyone’s babies and talking to myself on facebook to blog every session.  I’ve been mentoring other photographers and have traveled with lil’ Veda on my hip across the country and back multiple times […]

…: lil miss maicy :… Portland Oregon newborn photographer

This little lady is too cute for words so I’ll be a bad blogger and zip it for a change ^_^

… : Allen Justice : … Vancouver WA newborn photography

This little guy was a pretty good sport for us… I think he really looks like his mama.  🙂 Thank you Kelly and AJ for being  

…: little iris wren :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

:sigh: I <3 this mama more than words can express. I met most of Chris + Teddy’s friends for the first time when I shot their wedding on the Oregon coast a couple years ago.  No one knew why I was there so when speeches were being told after they said their vows, I stood […]

…: Zoe + Noah :… Portland Oregon twins newborn photographer

…: alan, revisited :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

For this little guy’s full story, see his birth blog below. But not before you revel in his overwhelming cuteness.  Mama told me they saw lots of hair on the ultrasound and Alan did not disappoint 😉 I big swirly <3 him. xoxoxo

…: Allyson, 1 month :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

Sometimes….sometimes you just don’t get around to doing “newborn” photos during that first week. I have always been a firm believer in the idea that you can take beautiful photos of a kid at any age, and lately I’ve been having particularly good luck with mixed lifestyle/newborn sessions and older babies.  Some cuddling, some posing…I […]

…: the birth of zoey :… birth photographers portland or

Oooohkay. Where to begin with this birth. Let me preface this post by saying that e-friends are totally real. You don’t have to live next door to someone to appreciate their friendship… I know this mama from an internet forum and met her for the first time when she happened to be in Portland over […]