…sam + jo…

Double the cute and double the work! This family was a pleasure and these girls were so well behaved for me. Often, one twin will settle while the other has a wakeful period, but it just so happened Sam and Jo had a *lot* of sleepy overlap, and as a result their images are mostly […]

…birth of fox…

PSA: birth images below.  if you’re the kind to be bothered, try another post 😉 While birth photography is a little more controversial than other types, it’s also one of my favorite things to photograph; I feel really lucky to live in a part of the world where it is commonplace to document these moments. […]

… abigail…

One of those sweet babes with skin like ivory and the sweetest little features <3  


This is the third baby girl I’ve photographed for this family, and they never disappoint! ALWAYS full cheeks and heads full of hair, don’t mind if I do.  I love my baldies as well, but hair is a special treat!   I love incorporating natural elements into my photos, so if you have a favorite […]

….: sweet Cora :…. Portland Oregon baby photography

It’s always extra fun to shoot the baby of a photographer <3 The little outdoor set up is something I haven’t done in a really long time- the moss and ferns came off some big boulders in a forest behind my house in a couple big sheets!  It was much easier than I thought it […]

…: Iris Wren, again :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

Meet my newest little lady-friend 🙂 Her birth post is a few posts down… Tiny lil’ peanut that she is.  <3 her   xoxoxo Enjoy, Chris and Teddy 🙂  

…: Lundyn 1 year :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

NOTE: My contact page is not working :/  We’re workin’ on it but until then, shoot me a line on Facebook (link above!) or email me at hello@erintolephotography.com   I <3 this little muffin. She’s been beautiful since the day she was born 🙂  For this session we hung out in a funky soda shop […]

… : Nora :… Portland Oregon baby photography

I so enjoyed this little miss.  Nevermind the laundry I had to do afterward 😉  

…: Allyson, 1 month :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

Sometimes….sometimes you just don’t get around to doing “newborn” photos during that first week. I have always been a firm believer in the idea that you can take beautiful photos of a kid at any age, and lately I’ve been having particularly good luck with mixed lifestyle/newborn sessions and older babies.  Some cuddling, some posing…I […]

…: Audrey + Solomon…and baby surprise :… Portland OR maternity photographers

So where to begin with this one… First off, a client very rarely makes me laugh out loud in an inquiry email, but the beautiful Audrey sure did. Pregnancy is such a strange thing.  It’s really hard for a lot of women (myself very , VERY much included) to feel like themselves while simultaneously sporting […]