…: little iris wren :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

:sigh: I <3 this mama more than words can express. I met most of Chris + Teddy’s friends for the first time when I shot their wedding on the Oregon coast a couple years ago.  No one knew why I was there so when speeches were being told after they said their vows, I stood […]

…: new Beau :… Portland Oregon newborn photographers

Oh, Beau’s mama and I had a grand ol’ time with this little man… See that awake shot a few photos down? That my friends is how Beau looked for at least 90% of our session…. And you know, with babies you really just never know what you are going to get. You can’t walk […]

…: the birth of zoey :… birth photographers portland or

Oooohkay. Where to begin with this birth. Let me preface this post by saying that e-friends are totally real. You don’t have to live next door to someone to appreciate their friendship… I know this mama from an internet forum and met her for the first time when she happened to be in Portland over […]