…Savannah… Portland OR and Vancouver WA newborn photographer

I haven’t uploaded an actual client blog in forever. However I realize that it’s important for potential clients/parents to see not just one or two images of a certain baby but to get a feel for what a whole gallery looks like.  I’m sure lots of parents are overwhelmed when they’re shopping around for a […]

…catch-up…. portland oregon newborn photographer

mish-mosh of random babes.  Clients + mentoring session models 🙂  

…: Iris Wren, again :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

Meet my newest little lady-friend 🙂 Her birth post is a few posts down… Tiny lil’ peanut that she is.  <3 her   xoxoxo Enjoy, Chris and Teddy 🙂  

… : Allen Justice : … Vancouver WA newborn photography

This little guy was a pretty good sport for us… I think he really looks like his mama.  🙂 Thank you Kelly and AJ for being  

…: Lundyn 1 year :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

NOTE: My contact page is not working :/  We’re workin’ on it but until then, shoot me a line on Facebook (link above!) or email me at hello@erintolephotography.com   I <3 this little muffin. She’s been beautiful since the day she was born 🙂  For this session we hung out in a funky soda shop […]

… : Nora :… Portland Oregon baby photography

I so enjoyed this little miss.  Nevermind the laundry I had to do afterward 😉  

…: new Beau :… Portland Oregon newborn photographers

Oh, Beau’s mama and I had a grand ol’ time with this little man… See that awake shot a few photos down? That my friends is how Beau looked for at least 90% of our session…. And you know, with babies you really just never know what you are going to get. You can’t walk […]

…: Samantha + Ryan :… Newborn twins photography, Portland OR

<3 these adorable little people, they were such good babies for me!   xoxoxo 

… : Sweet Henry :… Newborn photographers Portland Oregon