…: Audrey + Solomon…and baby surprise :… Portland OR maternity photographers

So where to begin with this one… First off, a client very rarely makes me laugh out loud in an inquiry email, but the beautiful Audrey sure did. Pregnancy is such a strange thing.  It’s really hard for a lot of women (myself very , VERY much included) to feel like themselves while simultaneously sporting […]

….: Puppies and Babies :) :…

When Jessica first called me, we were chatting, and sometime in our conversation I hear something along the lines of   “Well, we have these puppies…” and then shortly after, she’s telling me about their gorgeous property and says words like “babies” and “sunset light”.   I think she probably sensed my enthusiasm over the […]

…: Meet Presley :… Portland Oregon Birth photographers

So, a bit of why there’s not a lot of   “leading up to”  photos in this little ol’ birth blog.  Here is a brief synopsis for my readers. Mama and I are texting the night before, after she’s just arrived at the hospital. Conversation goes something like this, at about 10PM before B-day: K: […]