…: Sweet Savannah :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographer

I was truly beginning to wonder if my pregnancy pheromones were somehow sabotaging my newborn sessions, like I was seeping baby-crack and they all just wanted to stay up and hang out with me…And then Savannah came over. What a dream. <3 her hair, her perfect little face.  And big sister takes direction like no 3 year […]

…: lil miss maicy :… Portland Oregon newborn photographer

This little lady is too cute for words so I’ll be a bad blogger and zip it for a change ^_^

… : Allen Justice : … Vancouver WA newborn photography

This little guy was a pretty good sport for us… I think he really looks like his mama.  🙂 Thank you Kelly and AJ for being  

… : Nora :… Portland Oregon baby photography

I so enjoyed this little miss.  Nevermind the laundry I had to do afterward 😉  

…: little iris wren :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

:sigh: I <3 this mama more than words can express. I met most of Chris + Teddy’s friends for the first time when I shot their wedding on the Oregon coast a couple years ago.  No one knew why I was there so when speeches were being told after they said their vows, I stood […]

…: Zoe + Noah :… Portland Oregon twins newborn photographer

….: Carson + Fiona :…. Portland, Oregon kids photographer

I truly <3 this family 🙂 Between newborn photos, family photos, helping them with web design and watching their teeny tiny newborn Fiona grow into this adorable little KID…They are one of those families I look forward to seeing every time I see their name on my calender.  I could wear sweats to a session […]

…: Audrey + Solomon…and baby surprise :… Portland OR maternity photographers

So where to begin with this one… First off, a client very rarely makes me laugh out loud in an inquiry email, but the beautiful Audrey sure did. Pregnancy is such a strange thing.  It’s really hard for a lot of women (myself very , VERY much included) to feel like themselves while simultaneously sporting […]

…: warm sunset :… Maternity photography, Vancouver WA

Whew! What a blog post…There were just SO many images I loved from this session… Last time I saw this stunning family (Hello, Genetics? I have a bone to pick.),  baby Addison was several months old and deathly afraid of two things: grass, and the big black box I had up by my face.  🙂 […]