…richards family…

This shoot is at one of my favorite summer locations. This session was the first time I met this family and I could not have been happier to get to know them a little.ย  Boy, did they nail the wardrobe as well! It’s normal and expected that we have some discussions about the feel you’re […]


This is the 4th boy for this family and every time I see their names on my calendar I know I’m in for a huge dose of chubby, drooly, gerber-baby-esque smiles <3   Dylan, 7 months! Before crawling and when they’re comfortably (read: not falling over backward) is the best time for these photos ๐Ÿ™‚ […]


By some strange amazingness, I had the *sweetest* most wonderfully behaved babies while teaching newborn photography workshops in Nashville last week! Behold, the gorgeousness that is baby Sullivan <3


this little dude was a model for a 1:1 mentorship, but ohhhh how we loved him- so I had to share my favorites. ย check out that amazing hair and skin <3   + a little q +a:   I’m going to answer these 3 questions in full below. I am saying this in the most […]


i truly love all the babies i meet… but this guy was just so extra cute with the most beautiful skin… could not get enough of him!   So here are my favorites in all of their chubby-cheeked glory <3  

…mabel dove…

little miss mabel dove had one of the sweetest faces i’ve seen in ages <3 some favorites from her session ๐Ÿ™‚


another sweet workshop baby. very thankful for these families who trust me – and the photographers who do as well ๐Ÿ™‚


this little guy was a workshop model for one of my very first workshops in my new studio downtown- i need to do a little studio ‘tour’ for those that didn’t see it on facebook or periscope.   but this boy… he couldn’t take a bad photo ๐Ÿ˜‰  

… mason gray …

…there’s nothing better than when repeat clients have babies! being in on the excitement from the beginning part of the fun of my job…and then when you get a baby this sweet as this one…  

…Rylee… Portland, Oregon newborn photographers

I told myself I wasn’t going to take the time to blog until I’m all caught up editing, but I’ve had *so* many little boys lately that the temptation to show off some girly images was too great <3 So here she is, Miss Rylee, (my second cousin). ย