…: i just love them: … Portland OR newborn photographers

I reaaaalllly really do.  A lot. With the birth of my own (see below!) life has been a little more hectic than usual. But, I realize that it is totally lame of me to have work that is not like the work I typically create up on my blog…There’s a family down there, and my […]

Protected: …: birth of beckett :… Portland Oregon Newborn photography

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…: Sweet Savannah :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographer

I was truly beginning to wonder if my pregnancy pheromones were somehow sabotaging my newborn sessions, like I was seeping baby-crack and they all just wanted to stay up and hang out with me…And then Savannah came over. What a dream. <3 her hair, her perfect little face.  And big sister takes direction like no 3 year […]

…: lil miss maicy :… Portland Oregon newborn photographer

This little lady is too cute for words so I’ll be a bad blogger and zip it for a change ^_^

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA birth photography

As a photographer, a mama, a new dad… you really never know  where the end of the line will be on “birth day”.  You can plan and plan and plan til your fingers bleed from typing up your birth plan but the bottom line is that sometimes it’s a bit out of our hands. It’s […]

…: Lundyn 1 year :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

NOTE: My contact page is not working :/  We’re workin’ on it but until then, shoot me a line on Facebook (link above!) or email me at hello@erintolephotography.com   I <3 this little muffin. She’s been beautiful since the day she was born 🙂  For this session we hung out in a funky soda shop […]

… : Nora :… Portland Oregon baby photography

I so enjoyed this little miss.  Nevermind the laundry I had to do afterward 😉  

…: little iris wren :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

:sigh: I <3 this mama more than words can express. I met most of Chris + Teddy’s friends for the first time when I shot their wedding on the Oregon coast a couple years ago.  No one knew why I was there so when speeches were being told after they said their vows, I stood […]

…: new Beau :… Portland Oregon newborn photographers

Oh, Beau’s mama and I had a grand ol’ time with this little man… See that awake shot a few photos down? That my friends is how Beau looked for at least 90% of our session…. And you know, with babies you really just never know what you are going to get. You can’t walk […]

…: Zoe + Noah :… Portland Oregon twins newborn photographer