…. the birth of vincent … Portland Oregon birth photographers

You might notice while viewing this blog there isn’t a lot of um… storytelling…  leading up to the action.  This is because, usually, when first time moms are texting you about “hey I’m gonna go to the hospital and get checked out” type-texts, the next text, while you’re sitting there quietly editing late one night, […]

…Rylee… Portland, Oregon newborn photographers

I told myself I wasn’t going to take the time to blog until I’m all caught up editing, but I’ve had *so* many little boys lately that the temptation to show off some girly images was too great <3 So here she is, Miss Rylee, (my second cousin).  

…: fischer william :… Portland oregon baby photographers

….hello, baby… Portland oregon birth photography

:sigh:   You know, you can’t always control everything, right? I had about a 4 hour chunk of time that this birth was “uncovered”… meaning I had an obligation and my backup also had something until later in the afternoon… Surely, surely, not *then*.   Oh yes, then.  🙂   It’s always then. lesson learned. […]

…:Kayson:…. Portland Oregon baby photographers

No words can do this little man justice… I said once on my Facebook and I’ll say it again here… If I am ever blessed with a baby boy someday, I would take one juuuuust like this.   Full lips, auburn hair, long gingery lashes <3  I really just wanted to keep him. Meet Kayson! […]

…: Eleanor Wren :… Portland Oregon Newborn photographers

A friend teased me recently that my business name should be “50 shades of beige”  … as much as I wanted to say “No, not me!” … I think at this point I have to embrace it. my style= soft + neutral + earthy + warm + organic   and sometimes beige <3   Ellie […]

…: Titus James :… Portland Oregon newborn photographers

When I heard Nikki from the radio station Live 95.5 was pregnant…. I knew I had to photograph that baby. So, here  is Titus James in all of his extra-cute glory <3 I can’t even express what truly awesome people Nikki and James are, and how head over heels they are for baby Titus…  They take […]

…: Aven :… newborn photographers, portland OR

ahhhhh Less than 2 years ago, I flew to Little Rock, Arkansas to photograph this beautiful baby girl’s older brother, Cooper… He did not sleep his entire session.  The entire day, for that matter. It got to the point where it was just comical, ha! I went into Aven’s newborn session wondering if perhaps it […]

….: feeling lucky :…. Portland OR newborn photographer Vancouver WA newborn photographer

Everyone gets tired (or maybe just overwhelmed?) with their job sometimes, right?  No matter how great it is, it’s still work.  It’s a demand, it creates pressure… But I feel so incredibly lucky.   Because after just a few days of any sort of “break”… I sit down and it’s like my fingers are burning […]

….: be good to them :…. Portland Oregon newborn photography

I know that I don’t blog like I used to, and that’s a bit sad 🙁 But, I’m just too busy photographing everyone’s babies and talking to myself on facebook to blog every session.  I’ve been mentoring other photographers and have traveled with lil’ Veda on my hip across the country and back multiple times […]