…richards family…

This shoot is at one of my favorite summer locations. This session was the first time I met this family and I could not have been happier to get to know them a little.  Boy, did they nail the wardrobe as well! It’s normal and expected that we have some discussions about the feel you’re […]



By some strange amazingness, I had the *sweetest* most wonderfully behaved babies while teaching newborn photography workshops in Nashville last week! Behold, the gorgeousness that is baby Sullivan <3


this little dude was a model for a 1:1 mentorship, but ohhhh how we loved him- so I had to share my favorites.  check out that amazing hair and skin <3   + a little q +a:   I’m going to answer these 3 questions in full below. I am saying this in the most […]


six month ‘sitter’ sessions are my favorite… before they can crawl/run away, babies this age are the easiest subjects!    


i truly love all the babies i meet… but this guy was just so extra cute with the most beautiful skin… could not get enough of him!   So here are my favorites in all of their chubby-cheeked glory <3  

… cora …

it’s always amazing to be a part of birthdays, but it’s even better when it’s a) a wonderful friend and b) she’s a labor nurse at that hospital and so is surrounded by her coworkers loving on her and her baby.  the bath images are my absolute favorite… we turned the lights out (thus the […]


after a string of tough babes, this little girl made my day <3   (these top images are some of my favorites in recent months!)  


another sweet workshop baby. very thankful for these families who trust me – and the photographers who do as well 🙂


such a great little buddy, with the dreamiest skin <3