…: Zoe + Noah :… Portland Oregon twins newborn photographer

…: alan, revisited :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

For this little guy’s full story, see his birth blog below. But not before you revel in his overwhelming cuteness.  Mama told me they saw lots of hair on the ultrasound and Alan did not disappoint 😉 I big swirly <3 him. xoxoxo

…: Mary Margaret :… Portland Oregon birth photographers

It’s always special to be a part of a birth, but I am even more happy to have been present for this one because this amazing family has already moved to Arizona, where they are no doubt laughing at us under our rain cloud.  Thank you to all the people who let me be a […]

…: Allyson, 1 month :… Portland Oregon baby photographer

Sometimes….sometimes you just don’t get around to doing “newborn” photos during that first week. I have always been a firm believer in the idea that you can take beautiful photos of a kid at any age, and lately I’ve been having particularly good luck with mixed lifestyle/newborn sessions and older babies.  Some cuddling, some posing…I […]

…: Lily, day 26 :… Portland Oregon lifestyle photography

When Lily’s beautiful mama contacted me (we’ve met before for family photos) I was excited to get to photograph her new baby… But what? A month old you say?  Uh oh. 🙂 I went into this session planning to do a mix of lifestyle + traditional newborn because I didn’t think miss Lily was going […]

….: the birth of Ada Jane :…. Portland Oregon birth photographer

…: August in September :… Portland, Oregon newborn photography

Sometimes, when I am tired or “not in the mood” to shoot (admit it, all you photographers, it happens sometimes)…it’s easy to get in a funk.   I get in my car packed full of newborn stuff that I am not really in the mood to haul around and heave a sigh to myself. I’m […]

…: Ethan, 6 months :… Portland OR baby photographer

When I look at all these 6 month sessions they look so…easy, ha! But don’t be fooled! Ethan is so SO cute.  He was totally content for our session but his mom had to *laugh* to get him to smile…Fake laughing turns out can make a person a wee bit lightheaded, but give up, we […]

….: Carson + Fiona :…. Portland, Oregon kids photographer

I truly <3 this family 🙂 Between newborn photos, family photos, helping them with web design and watching their teeny tiny newborn Fiona grow into this adorable little KID…They are one of those families I look forward to seeing every time I see their name on my calender.  I could wear sweats to a session […]

….: Quilts + Drool :…. Portland OR kids photographer

I don’t know why but I just *love* this session…  I always say 6 months is my favorite age for baby photos and meeting Lundyn again really solidified by feelings on that 😉 Plus, her mama is like the coolest chick ever and every time we call or text, we end up chatting for way […]