….: the birth of Ada Jane :…. Portland Oregon birth photographer

…: August in September :… Portland, Oregon newborn photography

Sometimes, when I am tired or “not in the mood” to shoot (admit it, all you photographers, it happens sometimes)…it’s easy to get in a funk.   I get in my car packed full of newborn stuff that I am not really in the mood to haul around and heave a sigh to myself. I’m […]

…: Sydney :… Portland, OR baby photographer

Every once in a while I cross paths with people during random photography-related happenings and they make an impression. This time, it happened twice. I met Julie (Sydney’s mom), Jami and Jenna (aunties) the first time at a wedding I shot earlier in the summer…They are the kind of people that when parting ways, I […]

…: Ethan, 6 months :… Portland OR baby photographer

When I look at all these 6 month sessions they look so…easy, ha! But don’t be fooled! Ethan is so SO cute.  He was totally content for our session but his mom had to *laugh* to get him to smile…Fake laughing turns out can make a person a wee bit lightheaded, but give up, we […]

….: Carson + Fiona :…. Portland, Oregon kids photographer

I truly <3 this family 🙂 Between newborn photos, family photos, helping them with web design and watching their teeny tiny newborn Fiona grow into this adorable little KID…They are one of those families I look forward to seeing every time I see their name on my calender.  I could wear sweats to a session […]

…: Another Sky :… West Linn Children’s photography

There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields – Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost has been; In its unfading flowers I hear […]

….: Quilts + Drool :…. Portland OR kids photographer

I don’t know why but I just *love* this session…  I always say 6 months is my favorite age for baby photos and meeting Lundyn again really solidified by feelings on that 😉 Plus, her mama is like the coolest chick ever and every time we call or text, we end up chatting for way […]

…: warm sunset :… Maternity photography, Vancouver WA

Whew! What a blog post…There were just SO many images I loved from this session… Last time I saw this stunning family (Hello, Genetics? I have a bone to pick.),  baby Addison was several months old and deathly afraid of two things: grass, and the big black box I had up by my face.  🙂 […]

….: Puppies and Babies :) :…

When Jessica first called me, we were chatting, and sometime in our conversation I hear something along the lines of   “Well, we have these puppies…” and then shortly after, she’s telling me about their gorgeous property and says words like “babies” and “sunset light”.   I think she probably sensed my enthusiasm over the […]

…: Meet Presley :… Portland Oregon Birth photographers

So, a bit of why there’s not a lot of   “leading up to”  photos in this little ol’ birth blog.  Here is a brief synopsis for my readers. Mama and I are texting the night before, after she’s just arrived at the hospital. Conversation goes something like this, at about 10PM before B-day: K: […]