….: be good to them :…. Portland Oregon newborn photography

I know that I don’t blog like I used to, and that’s a bit sad 🙁 But, I’m just too busy photographing everyone’s babies and talking to myself on facebook to blog every session.  I’ve been mentoring other photographers and have traveled with lil’ Veda on my hip across the country and back multiple times […]

…Savannah… Portland OR and Vancouver WA newborn photographer

I haven’t uploaded an actual client blog in forever. However I realize that it’s important for potential clients/parents to see not just one or two images of a certain baby but to get a feel for what a whole gallery looks like.  I’m sure lots of parents are overwhelmed when they’re shopping around for a […]

…catch-up…. portland oregon newborn photographer

mish-mosh of random babes.  Clients + mentoring session models 🙂  

…: i just love them: … Portland OR newborn photographers

I reaaaalllly really do.  A lot. With the birth of my own (see below!) life has been a little more hectic than usual. But, I realize that it is totally lame of me to have work that is not like the work I typically create up on my blog…There’s a family down there, and my […]

…: Sweet Savannah :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographer

I was truly beginning to wonder if my pregnancy pheromones were somehow sabotaging my newborn sessions, like I was seeping baby-crack and they all just wanted to stay up and hang out with me…And then Savannah came over. What a dream. <3 her hair, her perfect little face.  And big sister takes direction like no 3 year […]

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA newborn photography

That birth two posts down? Here’s the end result 🙂 He’s my friend’s baby so I can say this, but he was a total stinker. We’re lucky to have any shots at all! LOL 😉

…: lil miss maicy :… Portland Oregon newborn photographer

This little lady is too cute for words so I’ll be a bad blogger and zip it for a change ^_^

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA birth photography

As a photographer, a mama, a new dad… you really never know  where the end of the line will be on “birth day”.  You can plan and plan and plan til your fingers bleed from typing up your birth plan but the bottom line is that sometimes it’s a bit out of our hands. It’s […]

…: Iris Wren, again :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

Meet my newest little lady-friend 🙂 Her birth post is a few posts down… Tiny lil’ peanut that she is.  <3 her   xoxoxo Enjoy, Chris and Teddy 🙂  

… : Allen Justice : … Vancouver WA newborn photography

This little guy was a pretty good sport for us… I think he really looks like his mama.  🙂 Thank you Kelly and AJ for being