…catch-up…. portland oregon newborn photographer

mish-mosh of random babes.  Clients + mentoring session models 🙂


…: i just love them: … Portland OR newborn photographers

I reaaaalllly really do.  A lot.

With the birth of my own (see below!) life has been a little more hectic than usual. But, I realize that it is totally lame of me to have work that is not like the work I typically create up on my blog…There’s a family down there, and my own kid, etc.  But, most of my time working is spent doing stuff in this post.  All these photos were taken during mentoring sessions during the last few weeks. There is something about the freedom of being able to have 100% creative control and the lack of pressure to create full client galleries that reignites the pieces of me way down deep that truly love the art of the artistic process.

To all the wonderful families whose littles participated as models, thank you, and thank you again. Could not do it without you.

To anyone interested in mentoring…the pricing page is private 🙂 Email me for a link and I will get right back to you.

I get a fair amount of emails requesting “what my mentoring dates are”…. well, my mentoring days are whatever days work for both of us. I’m pretty open and I don’t do big “class” type environments. I feel most comfortable in a 1:1 or small group environment (up to 3 other photographers).


Sorry if you’ve seen these on Facebook….just wanted to get them all legit and stuff 😉

Protected: …: birth of beckett :… Portland Oregon Newborn photography

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…: grow so fast :… Portland Oregon family photographers

This family is one of the very first I ever photographed….one of my initial “guinea pigs” so to speak when I was toying with the idea of business a few years ago.  I love that when  I uploaded these photos to my computer, the file  folder nestles snugly in the directory between “family photos”, “presley’s birth”, “presley’s newborn” etc. 🙂  And now… family 12′, aka Presley’s 1 year 🙂

Little dude was born the same day, same year as my Bryn so watching them all grow has been particularly near and dear to me…

I feel lucky I get to watch the evolution of so many families.






…: my not-so-little, and baby Violet :…

Living where we do in the good ol’ Pac-n’dub, you have to learn to be spontaneous.  To see, “holy crap, its not raining” displayed on your phone’s home page in the morning, and then run with it.

The older of these two sweet girls is mine… Who specifically requested I take her out for photos (I’ve been waiting for this for, oh, ya know, 3 1/2 years or so)… So I grabbed a friend who needed some baby photos… remember this birth blog?  And we headed out to one of my favorite spots and snapped a few 🙂


So, pardon the fact that the two kids are lumped together. I’m pregnant and lazy. 



…: bright sunshiny day:… Portland, OR children’s photographer

Bah! I can’t even express how much I enjoyed these little girls. I’m a sucker for girls anyway but these two made my job about as easy as it can get.

When I first flipped through the photos from their session on my computer after uploading, I found myself smiling. Even knowing them just the tiny bit that I do, I felt really confident I somehow managed to freeze who they are right now…   I love the styling and fun props and gorgeous light…and all that is an important part of a successful session… But not nearly as important as the fact that when I view these photos, that’s not what I see.  What I see is Imrie and Ailey, ages 2 and 4, being sisters 🙂






…: Sweet Savannah :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographer

I was truly beginning to wonder if my pregnancy pheromones were somehow sabotaging my newborn sessions, like I was seeping baby-crack and they all just wanted to stay up and hang out with me…And then Savannah came over.

What a dream. <3 her hair, her perfect little face.  And big sister takes direction like no 3 year old I’ve ever encountered.  I can only hope my newborn will behave as well for the lovely Rachel Vanoven and I.

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA newborn photography

That birth two posts down? Here’s the end result 🙂

He’s my friend’s baby so I can say this, but he was a total stinker. We’re lucky to have any shots at all! LOL 😉

…: lil miss maicy :… Portland Oregon newborn photographer

This little lady is too cute for words so I’ll be a bad blogger and zip it for a change ^_^