…: warm sunset :… Maternity photography, Vancouver WA

Whew! What a blog post…There were just SO many images I loved from this session…

Last time I saw this stunning family (Hello, Genetics? I have a bone to pick.),  baby Addison was several months old and deathly afraid of two things: grass, and the big black box I had up by my face.  🙂  This time, she made up for it with more calm, sincere eye contact I’ve had from a toddler in…ever.


Can’t wait to meet this little guy come September.

….: Puppies and Babies :) :…

When Jessica first called me, we were chatting, and sometime in our conversation I hear something along the lines of   “Well, we have these puppies…” and then shortly after, she’s telling me about their gorgeous property and says words like “babies” and “sunset light”.   I think she probably sensed my enthusiasm over the airwaves and we decided to go for it 🙂

I consider myself very lucky to have ended up photographing this absolutely gorgeous family on what I think was probably the nicest day we’ve had yet this year.

Jessica and family, I hope you enjoy viewing these as much I enjoyed putting the pieces together and getting to meet you all!


…: Meet Presley :… Portland Oregon Birth photographers

So, a bit of why there’s not a lot of   “leading up to”  photos in this little ol’ birth blog.  Here is a brief synopsis for my readers.

Mama and I are texting the night before, after she’s just arrived at the hospital. Conversation goes something like this, at about 10PM before B-day:

K: I’m not sure whether my water will break tonight or tomorrow, but I will keep you updated!

Me:  Great, I’m excited!

K: Everything’s going really slow, Jimmy says take a nap.

Me: Call me at a 5!

{insert me sleeping here}

4:58AM  my phone buzzes with a text.  Husband says: Water broke, at a 4.

Here, I’m thinking to myself…”Oh, I have some time, I’ll linger in bed a bit, have some coffee…”

I am just contemplating actually getting out of bed when my phone buzzes again.

5:18AM: she’s at a 6 now

I get ready, grab my gear, and I still think, I’ll stop and get some coffee. I turn to pull into a stand and I hear my phone again, it’s 5:46: “she’s at an 8”.
Needless to say, by the time I got to the hospital, the beautiful Miss Presley was very, very close to entering the world. I was about 6 minutes from missing the whole enchilada.

Next time, I’ll keep coffee in my car…

…: a birth is blogged :… Portland, OR birth photography

There is too much to say, and no words at all for experiencing the birth of my newest little friend, Rya.  I’ve been looking forward to her for years, and to be there the first time her little lungs filled with air was profound and meaningful to me on many levels.

As per usual, I’m going to speak through photos now…since I think we can all agree I’m much better that way….

: a vision : Maternity photography, Portland OR

There’s little I love more than when a client comes forward, often shyly, with an idea they’ve been holding on to but might not want to ask about.  It doesn’t matter if its for your wedding, your child’s birth, your family portraits…

I can’t be your vision if you don’t share it with me.  So share, share, share.

I don’t want to take photos like your sister had done.  Like your mom wants. Like the photos you have on your fridge from friends from college.  I want to take photos for YOU and you alone.

Sharon told me what she envisioned and I tried to materialize it as best I could.

Needless to say, I am super excited to meet their new addition, a little girl due in March…

Enjoy 🙂

This last one is a brighter version of #1…. Can’t decide which I like?

sweet baby Jax :: Portland, OR newborn photography ::

I don’t even know where to start with these photos.   Mama is a dear friend of mine who lives just a block or so down from me…   And baby Jax was long awaited…his due date came and went and the hospitals were too full for inductions, and Jess and I did a LOT of walking to no avail.  But after a 3AM call, away we went! 🙂  These photos are almost as moving to me as the few precious photos I have of my own birth.

Many people are puzzled at the concept of birth photography.  Lots of “Why?’s” and “Eews” around the board.  In other areas of the country, its very much the norm to have your birth photographed.  When I was gearing up to have my first, I was in the same boat as the aforementioned masses.  But at some point after all the poking and prodding, you just sort of get over it and realize you’re bringing a new soul into the world and why would anyone NOT want beautiful memories of something so precious?

This epiphany comes after the curse-word medley I screamed at my mother while seeing her popup flash go off during the pushing process…but an epiphany I had nonetheless.  The photos she took are some of my most precious possesions, not that anyone gets to see them.

But for me, they make my heart soar and ache and melt all at the same time, much like the below photos do.

Jess, I love you.