…: Ada Jane :… Portland OR newborn photography

There’s always something extra fun about about a newborn session after shooting a birth… Mom and I are no doubt comfortable with each other, the session is really relaxed, and I am excited to snuggle the beautiful new baby I watched be welcomed into the world.

I love this little one and I hope to see her again soon… That hair.  Sheesh.

….: the birth of Ada Jane :…. Portland Oregon birth photographer

…: so much love :…. Portland, Oregon children’s photography

This session was rained out *multiple* times…twas a rainy spell in our neck of the woods.  And by rainy spell, I mean any date from September to May 🙂

Loved this session because these little kiddos were all so, so sweet…and you could just feel the natural happiness of being together radiating off of them during the time we spent shooting…





…: August in September :… Portland, Oregon newborn photography

Sometimes, when I am tired or “not in the mood” to shoot (admit it, all you photographers, it happens sometimes)…it’s easy to get in a funk.   I get in my car packed full of newborn stuff that I am not really in the mood to haul around and heave a sigh to myself.

I’m convinced the parents of children at my daughter’s school probably think I need to go on the show “Hoarders” since my backseat looks like vintage thrift store opened up shop in the Macy’s bedding section and everyone drank Starbucks and didn’t throw their cups away.

But every time I actually try to have a pity party for myself, I am slapped upside the head with the idea that I get to do what I love. I get to do it a lot.   If I was a millionaire, I know I would do it for free.  How many people can say that about their jobs? I am blessed in so many ways, but being able to see families expand from one kiddo to two is one of the many perks of doing what I do, and it’s especially nice when the family is as wonderful and gorgeous and the one this little one came home to.   All I have to do is open the front door and see the new bundle in their mama’s arms and all my “meh” -ness evaporates in a split second.

Welcome, adorable baby August. I can’t wait to see you again someday….if your sister is any indication, you will be as beautiful as you are sweet 🙂

…: Sydney :… Portland, OR baby photographer

Every once in a while I cross paths with people during random photography-related happenings and they make an impression.

This time, it happened twice.

I met Julie (Sydney’s mom), Jami and Jenna (aunties) the first time at a wedding I shot earlier in the summer…They are the kind of people that when parting ways, I have a little blip of sadness on my radar because I realize I very well might not see them again (this is especially true at weddings).   These three women greet everyone with open arms; they are as genuine as they come and it’s hard not smile when chatting with them.

As per usual, I am attracted to babies and kids at weddings.  I gravitate to them. If I didn’t pay attention, I’d miss the cake cutting and the first dance because I was too busy taking photos of  aunt so-and-so’s adorable toddler.  Little Sydney caught my eye at that wedding, and then AGAIN at another wedding I shot where the whole fam was present.

These three sisters and their love for this little girl are totally overwhelming. Sydney is lucky in many ways…I’ve seen firsthand the kind of people in her life and they are all pretty much fabulous.

When I got a contact form message on my blog and it was the lovely Ferren sisters wanting to get photos of Miss Syd, I smiled.

I sincerely hope I get to see this family again…I may just start crashing their family events now.  Wait, what? You didn’t hire a photographer? Oh. Whoops.


…: Ethan, 6 months :… Portland OR baby photographer

When I look at all these 6 month sessions they look so…easy, ha! But don’t be fooled!

Ethan is so SO cute.  He was totally content for our session but his mom had to *laugh* to get him to smile…Fake laughing turns out can make a person a wee bit lightheaded, but give up, we did not!  When mom started in with the “HAHAHAHA’s”, Ethan’s whole face just lit up…sweetest thing ever 🙂

….: Courtney + Mark :…. Just because.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the radio ads are telling the truth when they say the Oregon State Fair is “too big to miss.”  It’s flippin’ HUGE.

I always love working for another photographer, this time the talented Courtney of Courtney Jade Photography .  She’s pretty awesome, as is her guy Mark.  We had a lot of fun walking around the fair and getting to know one another.  Courtney and my blabber put him to sleep on the way home but I won’t hold that against him.

Doing a session like this poses unique challenges for shooting but I decided you really just have to embrace the …er…fair-folk… and in the end I actually enjoyed some of the tricky/dramatic lighting once the sun went down.

🙂 Enjoy guys!

….: Carson + Fiona :…. Portland, Oregon kids photographer

I truly <3 this family 🙂

Between newborn photos, family photos, helping them with web design and watching their teeny tiny newborn Fiona grow into this adorable little KID…They are one of those families I look forward to seeing every time I see their name on my calender.  I could wear sweats to a session and I don’t think they’d judge me…One of those clients 🙂

My good friend Stacy (proud owner of cutestbabyontheplanet Breckan a few posts down) had this antique gumball machine in the corner of her living room…She said something to me about it a week or two ago and I took the colors and feel it gave me and ran with it 🙂  I made Fiona’s little dress the morning of our shoot and I have to say she wore it quite well!

I so appreciate when my clients trust me enough to let me execute my little *visions*. It’s probably a bit unnerving when you see your photographer pull all these random junk shop finds out of the car and pile them into a field.  But the great thing about “theme-y” type stuff with kids is it gives them an environment to interact in. I mean how many expressions can you expect to get from a kid when you sit them on the ground and tell them to smile?  I much prefer to do it this way 😉