… mason gray …

…there’s nothing better than when repeat clients have babies! being in on the excitement from the beginning part of the fun of my job…and then when you get a baby this sweet as this one…  


I haven’t shared images of my own kids on here in a long, long time… I’m not even sure anyone even looks at my blog posts, excepting people who find me doing google searches.  I may be primarily a newborn photographer, but I am really looking forward to shooting outdoors this summer, including lots of […]

….: charlotte :…. portland oregon newborn photographers

<3 I don’t think it’s any secret around here that I am a lover of the soft neutral colors when it comes to newborn photography… During sessions, I usually am trying to figure out how to get as many totally unique looking setups as I can for my client mamas + dads…  At the end […]

…: new life :… portland, oregon birth photographers

note: information on shooting births for photographers at the bottom of this post.   I can’t thank this family enough for letting me be a part of the birth of their new baby MaTeyo <3 I know women are strong, but watching this mama deliver 10lb 10oz MaTeyo underwater on 12-13-14 was one of the […]

….: Erin :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographers

This mama and her family are extra special to me…my longtime friend and fellow photographer over at Aga O’neil Photography –  and I was there for the birth of #3 (missed #4 since I was preparing to leave the country!) . . . I had posted on Facebook that they were stumped for names, and a huge, […]

…. Khloé is 6 months …. Portland, Oregon photographers

This kid! ha! Possibly the smiliest, easiest baby this age I have had since I can remember. She literally just stared at me with this grin on her face her whole session <3 Note: I am currently taking new clients for maternity/birth/newborn sessions, but not older babies.  Sorry! My alumni are about all I can […]

…. the birth of vincent … Portland Oregon birth photographers

You might notice while viewing this blog there isn’t a lot of um… storytelling…  leading up to the action.  This is because, usually, when first time moms are texting you about “hey I’m gonna go to the hospital and get checked out” type-texts, the next text, while you’re sitting there quietly editing late one night, […]

…Rylee… Portland, Oregon newborn photographers

I told myself I wasn’t going to take the time to blog until I’m all caught up editing, but I’ve had *so* many little boys lately that the temptation to show off some girly images was too great <3 So here she is, Miss Rylee, (my second cousin).  

…. kingston james ….. : portland oregon birth photography :

This birth was…. something else <3 My sister in law.  Someone so very near and dear to me and yet…. originally when I’d offered up my services, she passed. I get it. I so get it. Birth is an inner thing. It’s a piece of yourself that you aren’t even in touch with in the […]