
This little guy is my cousin’s baby! I knew he was being deployed shortly after his birth, so they flew me out to Oklahoma and I borrowed another phtoographer’s studio and props so that I could meet his tiny (BLONDE!) son and snuggle and photography him before he left. So, without further ado, meet Charlie!

… abigail…

One of those sweet babes with skin like ivory and the sweetest little features <3  


This is the third baby girl I’ve photographed for this family, and they never disappoint! ALWAYS full cheeks and heads full of hair, don’t mind if I do.ย  I love my baldies as well, but hair is a special treat!   I love incorporating natural elements into my photos, so if you have a favorite […]

No words for this beautiful girl. She was a dream model for my Birdseye workshop earlier this year. Finding quality learning materials and distinguishing between teachers is hard for those who area wanting to hone their craft. Whether you are just starting out and want to get a feel for the ropes, or wanting really […]


While I love and enjoy all kinds of newborn photography, my absolute favorite images are ‘unposed’ shots where baby is super relaxed and natural looking. These images are almost always done on white/nude backdrops, but I am having fun lately adding high contrast ‘on black’ images as well. I will post some in a blog […]


… cora …

it’s always amazing to be a part of birthdays, but it’s even better when it’s a) a wonderful friend and b) she’s a labor nurse at that hospital and so is surrounded by her coworkers loving on her and her baby. ย the bath images are my absolute favorite… we turned the lights out (thus the […]


another sweet workshop baby. very thankful for these families who trust me – and the photographers who do as well ๐Ÿ™‚


this little guy was a workshop model for one of my very first workshops in my new studio downtown- i need to do a little studio ‘tour’ for those that didn’t see it on facebook or periscope.   but this boy… he couldn’t take a bad photo ๐Ÿ˜‰