…: just a peach :… Portland Oregon pregnancy photography

I almost feel guilty posting these photos.  The  good natured chemistry between these two was crazy… not the “can’t keep my hands off you” icky smitten kind of way, but the good kind.  The kind that runs deep.  A monkey could have photographed them and it would still look adorable. Bethany and Ted are childhood […]

…: welcome, baby Alan :… OHSU birth photographer, Portland OR

I met Helene for the first time when she was around 38 weeks pregnant. In a coffee shop in downtown Portland, towards the end of the first time I met Helene, I remember asking her: “Do you believe in your heart you are going to go home with a baby?”  To which she responded: “No.” […]

…: Audrey + Solomon…and baby surprise :… Portland OR maternity photographers

So where to begin with this one… First off, a client very rarely makes me laugh out loud in an inquiry email, but the beautiful Audrey sure did. Pregnancy is such a strange thing.  It’s really hard for a lot of women (myself very , VERY much included) to feel like themselves while simultaneously sporting […]

…: warm sunset :… Maternity photography, Vancouver WA

Whew! What a blog post…There were just SO many images I loved from this session… Last time I saw this stunning family (Hello, Genetics? I have a bone to pick.),  baby Addison was several months old and deathly afraid of two things: grass, and the big black box I had up by my face.  🙂 […]