…birth of fox…

PSA: birth images below.  if you’re the kind to be bothered, try another post 😉 While birth photography is a little more controversial than other types, it’s also one of my favorite things to photograph; I feel really lucky to live in a part of the world where it is commonplace to document these moments. […]

…richards family…

This shoot is at one of my favorite summer locations. This session was the first time I met this family and I could not have been happier to get to know them a little.  Boy, did they nail the wardrobe as well! It’s normal and expected that we have some discussions about the feel you’re […]


I haven’t shared images of my own kids on here in a long, long time… I’m not even sure anyone even looks at my blog posts, excepting people who find me doing google searches.  I may be primarily a newborn photographer, but I am really looking forward to shooting outdoors this summer, including lots of […]

…: new life :… portland, oregon birth photographers

note: information on shooting births for photographers at the bottom of this post.   I can’t thank this family enough for letting me be a part of the birth of their new baby MaTeyo <3 I know women are strong, but watching this mama deliver 10lb 10oz MaTeyo underwater on 12-13-14 was one of the […]

…: just a peach :… Portland Oregon pregnancy photography

I almost feel guilty posting these photos.  The  good natured chemistry between these two was crazy… not the “can’t keep my hands off you” icky smitten kind of way, but the good kind.  The kind that runs deep.  A monkey could have photographed them and it would still look adorable. Bethany and Ted are childhood […]