…birth of fox…

PSA: birth images below.  if you’re the kind to be bothered, try another post 😉 While birth photography is a little more controversial than other types, it’s also one of my favorite things to photograph; I feel really lucky to live in a part of the world where it is commonplace to document these moments. […]


…: new life :… portland, oregon birth photographers

note: information on shooting births for photographers at the bottom of this post.   I can’t thank this family enough for letting me be a part of the birth of their new baby MaTeyo <3 I know women are strong, but watching this mama deliver 10lb 10oz MaTeyo underwater on 12-13-14 was one of the […]

…. the birth of vincent … Portland Oregon birth photographers

You might notice while viewing this blog there isn’t a lot of um… storytelling…  leading up to the action.  This is because, usually, when first time moms are texting you about “hey I’m gonna go to the hospital and get checked out” type-texts, the next text, while you’re sitting there quietly editing late one night, […]

…. kingston james ….. : portland oregon birth photography :

This birth was…. something else <3 My sister in law.  Someone so very near and dear to me and yet…. originally when I’d offered up my services, she passed. I get it. I so get it. Birth is an inner thing. It’s a piece of yourself that you aren’t even in touch with in the […]

….hello, baby… Portland oregon birth photography

:sigh:   You know, you can’t always control everything, right? I had about a 4 hour chunk of time that this birth was “uncovered”… meaning I had an obligation and my backup also had something until later in the afternoon… Surely, surely, not *then*.   Oh yes, then.  🙂   It’s always then. lesson learned. […]

::: Remington ::: Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington newborn photography

Oh this little guy <3 He was *so* wakeful for his session… no fuss, just quiet and alert and so very handsome… Wise eyes, for sure. And yes, I sneaked a belly shot in there…a  little before and after of Remy and his sister Natalie, who is quite possibly the best behaved toddler ever 🙂 […]

Protected: …: birth of beckett :… Portland Oregon Newborn photography

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA birth photography

As a photographer, a mama, a new dad… you really never know  where the end of the line will be on “birth day”.  You can plan and plan and plan til your fingers bleed from typing up your birth plan but the bottom line is that sometimes it’s a bit out of our hands. It’s […]

…: little iris wren :… Portland Oregon newborn photography

:sigh: I <3 this mama more than words can express. I met most of Chris + Teddy’s friends for the first time when I shot their wedding on the Oregon coast a couple years ago.  No one knew why I was there so when speeches were being told after they said their vows, I stood […]