…Riley Quinn…

I hesitated to blog this session because it involves a dear friend of mine…which means we sort of went all out <3 The first of these images is taken when Riley was 2 days old (the outdoor image of her in the tree stump) the indoor stuff was at 4 days, and the yellow outdoor […]


This pretty girl was such a good mentoring model …  


… mason gray …

…there’s nothing better than when repeat clients have babies! being in on the excitement from the beginning part of the fun of my job…and then when you get a baby this sweet as this one…  

….: charlotte :…. portland oregon newborn photographers

<3 I don’t think it’s any secret around here that I am a lover of the soft neutral colors when it comes to newborn photography… During sessions, I usually am trying to figure out how to get as many totally unique looking setups as I can for my client mamas + dads…  At the end […]

…: new life :… portland, oregon birth photographers

note: information on shooting births for photographers at the bottom of this post.   I can’t thank this family enough for letting me be a part of the birth of their new baby MaTeyo <3 I know women are strong, but watching this mama deliver 10lb 10oz MaTeyo underwater on 12-13-14 was one of the […]