… dever fam…

The timing of this post isn’t exactly right, considering it’s the absolute dead of winter and I only shoot family sessions from May-October, BUT; I just didn’t want to forget to share this session.  I’ve wanted to shoot at this location for quite some time and knew that my friend and favorite client Lindsay’s family […]

No words for this beautiful girl. She was a dream model for my Birdseye workshop earlier this year. Finding quality learning materials and distinguishing between teachers is hard for those who area wanting to hone their craft. Whether you are just starting out and want to get a feel for the ropes, or wanting really […]

::: Remington ::: Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington newborn photography

Oh this little guy <3 He was *so* wakeful for his session… no fuss, just quiet and alert and so very handsome… Wise eyes, for sure. And yes, I sneaked a belly shot in there…a  little before and after of Remy and his sister Natalie, who is quite possibly the best behaved toddler ever 🙂 […]

…: grow so fast :… Portland Oregon family photographers

This family is one of the very first I ever photographed….one of my initial “guinea pigs” so to speak when I was toying with the idea of business a few years ago.  I love that when  I uploaded these photos to my computer, the file  folder nestles snugly in the directory between “family photos”, “presley’s […]

…: bright sunshiny day:… Portland, OR children’s photographer

Bah! I can’t even express how much I enjoyed these little girls. I’m a sucker for girls anyway but these two made my job about as easy as it can get. When I first flipped through the photos from their session on my computer after uploading, I found myself smiling. Even knowing them just the […]

…: Lily, day 26 :… Portland Oregon lifestyle photography

When Lily’s beautiful mama contacted me (we’ve met before for family photos) I was excited to get to photograph her new baby… But what? A month old you say?  Uh oh. 🙂 I went into this session planning to do a mix of lifestyle + traditional newborn because I didn’t think miss Lily was going […]

….: Courtney + Mark :…. Just because.

Just in case anyone is wondering, the radio ads are telling the truth when they say the Oregon State Fair is “too big to miss.”  It’s flippin’ HUGE. I always love working for another photographer, this time the talented Courtney of Courtney Jade Photography .  She’s pretty awesome, as is her guy Mark.  We had […]