….: Puppies and Babies :) :…

When Jessica first called me, we were chatting, and sometime in our conversation I hear something along the lines of   “Well, we have these puppies…” and then shortly after, she’s telling me about their gorgeous property and says words like “babies” and “sunset light”.   I think she probably sensed my enthusiasm over the […]

…: Meet Presley :… Portland Oregon Birth photographers

So, a bit of why there’s not a lot of   “leading up to”  photos in this little ol’ birth blog.  Here is a brief synopsis for my readers. Mama and I are texting the night before, after she’s just arrived at the hospital. Conversation goes something like this, at about 10PM before B-day: K: […]

…: a birth is blogged :… Portland, OR birth photography

There is too much to say, and no words at all for experiencing the birth of my newest little friend, Rya.  I’ve been looking forward to her for years, and to be there the first time her little lungs filled with air was profound and meaningful to me on many levels. As per usual, I’m […]