…: just a peach :… Portland Oregon pregnancy photography

I almost feel guilty posting these photos.  The  good natured chemistry between these two was crazy… not the “can’t keep my hands off you” icky smitten kind of way, but the good kind.  The kind that runs deep.  A monkey could have photographed them and it would still look adorable.

Bethany and Ted are childhood friends who traveled the world together as bloggers (check out their travels here!) before settling down in their home state 🙂

B: “I knew by age 9 I wanted to marry him but he didn’t know it until 19”

Can you imagine knowing your partner for life since you were 7 years old? And yet, Ted glowed sometimes just as brightly as pregnant Bethany as he watched her.  I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a man say “you look so pretty” and mean it as much as I could tell he did.   They are the stuff warm fuzzies are made of.



Let’s hope this September heat wave holds out so we can take their “little peach” back to the orchard…



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  1. These are stunning! I hope that you submit this session to be published somewhere so more people can enjoy it. I LSO hop you post more maternity. Very inspiring and refreshing.

  2. Ahhh…the little Peach is almost here! I can’t believe after carrying a backpack around the world for a year and a baby in my belly for another (almost) year, I’m soon going to be holding this little sweetie in my arms for years to come… Thank you so much for the beautiful, beautiful captured memories, Erin. xx

  3. LOVE these Erin!!! I knew Bethany & Ted as children (probably age 7 too!) and am still in love with the fact that they are married! They were amazing people as children & teens too! Cannot wait to see the newborn pics!

  4. Hello! I am looking around for a photographer to capture my fiance, me, and our unborn baby in some creative family/pregnancy photos that we can cherish forever and later look back on. I like your style of shooting, could I get a little info on your rates? Thank you!

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