…: beach :… Portland Oregon lifestyle photography

I needed this so bad.  Instead of hemming and hawing over what crap to take to the beach, I threw my camera with just the 35mm on and decided that would have to suffice.  Being pregnant and having only slept 4 hours due to the 3AM birth the night prior did not phase my crazy 2nd trimester energy.

Instead I found myself overwhelmed with things I wanted to photograph.  Cats in the alley, horses in a field…my family just being themselves. It ignited something that’s been dormant and overworked lately.  The need to photograph things as they are…not posed or perfect or even “technically” perfect.   Even the quick edits I did on these were a refreshing change…I think I need to shoot more lifestyle photography, and I am definitely going to be posting more of my family and life on here. Although it might take technically take time away from my business I’ve realized it’s also breathing fresh life into it, something I think lots and lots of us professional photographers could use…

You will notice, that I am not actually IN any of these photos.  Windy beach + me saying “ok, so I’m going to hand you my camera, just put the little dot thing on US and then hold halfway down….” and people’s eyes glaze over. I must train at least one of them soon, though.

I encourage all of you…take your camera with you next time.  Who cares if it’s expensive…why is it there if not for you to be inspired?


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  1. You have captured the feel of these events and places so perfectly, I feel as if I had been on vacation with you and experienced it all with my own eyes. Wonderful, wonderful images Erin!!!

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