…: Lily, day 26 :… Portland Oregon lifestyle photography

When Lily’s beautiful mama contacted me (we’ve met before for family photos) I was excited to get to photograph her new baby…

But what? A month old you say? ย Uh oh. ๐Ÿ™‚

I went into this session planning to do a mix of lifestyle + traditional newborn because I didn’t think miss Lily was going to tolerate a whole lot of posing…However, I was pleasantly surprised and I have to say the adorable chunkiness and perfect glowing skin was worth the effort. ย Whoever said there was anything wrong with an ‘older’ gal is just silly ๐Ÿ™‚


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  1. erin, you rocked this session (surprise, surprise). lol what a sweet, squishy 26 day old baby girl!!! i’m totally impressed that she slept and posed so well for you! amazing!

  2. what a great session. my fave is mixing the traditional shots with lifestyle. Capture the little lovely posed shots and then real life, right at that moment, for a family

  3. of course you did an absolutely perfect job for this family, Erin!! oh I love them. she is so squishy…those extra weeks make her even more delicious. the one of daddy and his girls just melted me. beautiful work, friend.

  4. Lifestyle shoots always seem so complicated. I always enjoy seeing them, but can’t imagine the work that goes into making them look so natural and effortless. Well done.

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