…: Welcome, sweet Violet :… Vancouver WA, birth photographer

There’s so much to say about this family.

How wonderful, warm, and FUNNY they both are.  Basically acquaintances, I really got to “know” Jen and Rocky while sitting in the pre-op triage room the morning they chose to let me photograph the birth of their second and last little one, Violet.

I feel blessed to have been there (as I always do) but even more blessed to get to know this family better and watch their babies grow.

I see a lot of kids meet their siblings for the first time…often times to mixed reviews 😉

Big brother Cole was a little weirded out by mom being in that large funky hospital bed for about 45 seconds.

And then he realized what it was she was holding.

I had to choke back tears as I watched him not-so-carefully unwrap baby Violet and examine her like  the priceless gift that she is. You could see the mesmerized look on his face grow as he studied her tiny hands and soft hair; I think I could have watched it 100 times and I’d still be deeply moved every time.



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  1. these are beautiful, Erin! so touching! and you are right about the little boy’s interactions with his sister being beyond precious!

  2. These pictures made my heart melt. Jen is my best friend and you made this so special for them and all of us!! Thank you so much. I cant stop looking at these!!

  3. Wow, those are amazing! The last 3 made me cry, especially the 3rd to last one. Wow, just beautiful. (I’m from CM’s)

  4. These are awesome!! Living so far away we weren’t able to be there in person but through your art I feel as if we had front row seats. An amazing gift for the Alexander family: Jen, Rocky, Cole and newest arrival Violet!!

  5. I love these moments that you have captured! Such a beautiful story told and they will always have these amazing pictures to go along with! And oh my gosh, LOVE the brother squishing his face against baby sisters!!!

  6. wow. just wow. i am pretty certain that these are the most amazing birth photos i’ve ever seen! they are so intense and so real. i absolutely love these. and i love the fact that you kept them in color….the processing is perfect.

  7. These are just so beautiful I can’t stop looking at them, easily my favorite birth images yet. What an amazing gift for this family!

  8. Yep, these are amazing! You did a fantastic job bringing the viewer into this moment. Awesome work!

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