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  1. Erin, she’s rendered me speechless (and full of baby fever!). I love the way you’ve captured her; the colors, the softness, those incredible macro shots. Just wonderful.

  2. Oh my goodness. So precious. Congratulations Erin! Yeah, this makes me want a few dozen more too:-)

  3. Congratulations, and theses images will make her sooo happy one day!! The one with her thumb in the mouth is just cute beyond words. Love the lifestyle approach!!!!!

  4. Awesome. Now I want another one. Soooo sweet, and that quilt is just so perfect for this 🙂 Congratulations!

  5. absolutely priceless and precious! Amazing images of your beautiful baby girl! I also just loved to pieces the photo with your dog checking out that little bundle of joy! Love your work and congratulations on your baby girl who is such a gift! :0

  6. Erin, I’ve found your site through flickr and I must say that your work is just gorgeous. But most importantly, your little baby is pure perfection! 🙂

  7. What a sweetie, a very beautiful baby!! I must say this though, the doberman made me want to comment for some silly reason. he/she is also a adorable… we have two and I can’t imagine my life without them. i love when photographers add their other “kids” in the photo. i’d blow that one up huge!

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