…: bright sunshiny day:… Portland, OR children’s photographer

Bah! I can’t even express how much I enjoyed these little girls. I’m a sucker for girls anyway but these two made my job about as easy as it can get. When I first flipped through the photos from their session on my computer after uploading, I found myself smiling. Even knowing them just the […]

…: Sweet Savannah :…. Portland Oregon newborn photographer

I was truly beginning to wonder if my pregnancy pheromones were somehow sabotaging my newborn sessions, like I was seeping baby-crack and they all just wanted to stay up and hang out with me…And then Savannah came over. What a dream. <3 her hair, her perfect little face.  And big sister takes direction like no 3 year […]

…: Keaton :… Vancouver WA newborn photography

That birth two posts down? Here’s the end result 🙂 He’s my friend’s baby so I can say this, but he was a total stinker. We’re lucky to have any shots at all! LOL 😉