….: Quilts + Drool :…. Portland OR kids photographer

I don’t know why but I just *love* this session…  I always say 6 months is my favorite age for baby photos and meeting Lundyn again really solidified by feelings on that 😉 Plus, her mama is like the coolest chick ever and every time we call or text, we end up chatting for way […]

…: Welcome, sweet Violet :… Vancouver WA, birth photographer

There’s so much to say about this family. How wonderful, warm, and FUNNY they both are.  Basically acquaintances, I really got to “know” Jen and Rocky while sitting in the pre-op triage room the morning they chose to let me photograph the birth of their second and last little one, Violet. I feel blessed to […]

…: Audrey + Solomon…and baby surprise :… Portland OR maternity photographers

So where to begin with this one… First off, a client very rarely makes me laugh out loud in an inquiry email, but the beautiful Audrey sure did. Pregnancy is such a strange thing.  It’s really hard for a lot of women (myself very , VERY much included) to feel like themselves while simultaneously sporting […]