
This little guy is my cousin’s baby! I knew he was being deployed shortly after his birth, so they flew me out to Oklahoma and I borrowed another phtoographer’s studio and props so that I could meet his tiny (BLONDE!) son and snuggle and photography him before he left.

So, without further ado, meet Charlie!

…sam + jo…

Double the cute and double the work!

This family was a pleasure and these girls were so well behaved for me. Often, one twin will settle while the other has a wakeful period, but it just so happened Sam and Jo had a *lot* of sleepy overlap, and as a result their images are mostly together, which I really love.

It’s sessions like these when I am SO thankful to have an assistant (like all newborn sessions.) Mel is there to be my extra set of hands, keep parents comfortable while I’m working, and make sure that babies are *always* spotted and safe…

New parents don’t need to be squatting on the ground, spotting their babies to make sure they don’t fall out of props during their photo sessions, so I really encourage people who are shopping around to ask if your photographer has a designated spotter- safety is so important for these sessions!

…birth of fox…

PSA: birth images below.  if you’re the kind to be bothered, try another post 😉

While birth photography is a little more controversial than other types, it’s also one of my favorite things to photograph; I feel really lucky to live in a part of the world where it is commonplace to document these moments.

There’s something really wonderful about being part of the energy of a home birth, but it’s even better when I’ve photographed another baby from this family (the little girl who is really into her new brother in these photos) born in this same room! It was the best kind of deja vu 🙂


Also, can’t say enough good things about Glow Midwifery 

I’ve attended multiple births with members of their team and they are always amazing… Births are all about energy and theirs is pretty fantastic!



Say hello to Fox.






…richards family…

This shoot is at one of my favorite summer locations. This session was the first time I met this family and I could not have been happier to get to know them a little.  Boy, did they nail the wardrobe as well! It’s normal and expected that we have some discussions about the feel you’re going for with your images, but this mama needed no guidance dressing everyone beautifully.

I think sometimes families with young kids hesitate to book family portraits, especially high end ones, for a variety of reasons.  They think that their kids won’t behave, that they are at difficult ages (what age isn’t, am I right? ha), that they won’t look at the camera or that the timing of summer shoots is too hard (evening) or that the whole thing sounds too stressful.  Maybe you don’t like how you look in photos right now, you gained 10lbs, or 100, or you think maybe NEXT summer you will have things more together, and you’ll do it then.  We have this idea of what family photos were like when we were kids, or maybe your in laws did some years ago and you’re still traumatized from being dressed like a matching softball team.

Let me tell you something.

Your kids don’t care.

They don’t have to look at the camera and smile in every photo, far from it. My favorite images, both from this session and all sessions are the ones drenched in emotion.  The big hugs and too-forceful preschool kisses, the running through fields and the “give your sibling a hug” shots where someone ends up screaming.

Twenty years from now they won’t care if you could fit in your wedding garb.  But they will remember how much they were loved, your smile, the feel of being carried on your shoulders, or swung from your arms.  And twenty years from now, when these photos mean the most, I’m pretty sure you won’t remember either <3


… abigail…

One of those sweet babes with skin like ivory and the sweetest little features <3



This is the third baby girl I’ve photographed for this family, and they never disappoint! ALWAYS full cheeks and heads full of hair, don’t mind if I do.  I love my baldies as well, but hair is a special treat!


I love incorporating natural elements into my photos, so if you have a favorite botanical you’d like to use, either bring it, or let me know! There’s a flower shop down the street from my studio and it’s really easy to pick up a few stems on the way 🙂



… dever fam…

The timing of this post isn’t exactly right, considering it’s the absolute dead of winter and I only shoot family sessions from May-October, BUT; I just didn’t want to forget to share this session.  I’ve wanted to shoot at this location for quite some time and knew that my friend and favorite client Lindsay’s family would be the perfect adventurous type to fit!  We knew that heading to the Oregon coast for photos means you have to be ok with the darker, moodier feel… But considering as I’ve shot plenty of sun-drenched family images for her in years past, it was a great change of pace to keep things fresh.  We chose a day where the tide was low later in the day (something we forget about some locations on the coast, they are inaccessible during high tides) and went for it.


I’d be lying if I said the session was easy… The rocks are slippery and the wind is not the warmest.  That being said, I love these images and would prefer this style for my own family.  Now that I know the ropes of this location I’m dying to try out more.  Would love to come back here for engagement or couples session in particular.


These sessions fill up really quickly, usually with families who I have photographed babies for in years past. I photographed both these little ones as newborns as well! So inquire early for summer sessions – there’s lots of Pacific Northwest we can explore 🙂


The session itself is like the location- gritty + raw + emotional- I couldn’t love it more <3




No words for this beautiful girl.

She was a dream model for my Birdseye workshop earlier this year.

Finding quality learning materials and distinguishing between teachers is hard for those who area wanting to hone their craft. Whether you are just starting out and want to get a feel for the ropes, or wanting really detailed information on lighting, posing, angles and styling, these workshops are well rounded and you are able to ask questions in real time, as well as after the workshop in the private facebook group.  I go over editing as well, but as I tell people time and time again, the secret to creamy, natural skin tones is not editing but lighting!  I try to infuse tips and tricks in terms of “what I’m looking for” as I’m shooting, and I more or less talk the entire time… They are really fun!


The January Birdseye class sold out because of my Black Friday sale this year, so we added another to the shop for February!



While I love and enjoy all kinds of newborn photography, my absolute favorite images are ‘unposed’ shots where baby is super relaxed and natural looking. These images are almost always done on white/nude backdrops, but I am having fun lately adding high contrast ‘on black’ images as well. I will post some in a blog soon! I find them the most artistically satisfying because I’m focused on the lighting, composition and classic elements of every photo instead of the extra stuff.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it all… but I love these the most <3 I’m more than happy to supply sessions composed almost entirely of this style, just ask!